Year 3 Dahl – Irchester Country Park!

Wow what a fantastic trip we had to Irchester Country Park today! The children spent time learning how to live as a Stone Age hunter gatherer, found dinosaur fossils and had a fantastic forest walk.

We spent our morning learning how to live in the Stone Age and creating art work using natural materials with the park rangers. We learnt how to create dens, shoot a bow and arrow and found out how fire was created by the Stone Age hunter gatherers. After this, we had learnt how to press flowers to create art, found resources around the forest to create stencil paint art and created our own Stone Age artefacts. Following a play and lunch time, we explored the forest and found dinosaur fossils! We really enjoyed playing and running around them as well as wondering what dinosaur they belonged to. On our forest walk back, we completed a scavenger hunt for different natural resources in the forest. Finally, we ended out day by playing with the parachute as a class and spending time having a play together.

I hope you had a fantastic time Dahl Class!

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