
Good morning Robinson class.

We have had a very busy week of learning but it has been great fun. In English, we have been continuing to learn how to write instructions. Using our model text ‘How to make friendship soup’ we have planned a birthday party for Mrs Frew. The children have loved thinking of the things we need and the steps we must take to throw Mrs Frew the best party! Additionally, the children sequenced and followed instructions on how to make a sandwich to make their own snack.

In Maths, we have been recapping the place value of different numbers. We have looked at the value of the digits and what this means, comparing numbers using greater than and less than symbols and have been measuring different objects using non-standard measure.

We had a great afternoon at forest school on Wednesday. We have been looking at leaves and how they come in different shapes, sizes and colours. We used an identification chart to work out which leaf belonged to which tree. We then painted the leaves in different colours and made photo frames using natural resources.

In Art, we have been learning all about self portraits. We looked at the artist Picasso and how he changed his portraits with colour and shapes. The children then created their own amazing portraits. I am very proud of them!

In History, the children used their photos to create a timeline of their life. They had to order the photos in chronological order and then came to the front and discussed their memories from some of the photos. It was a wonderful lesson. Thank you for sending the photos into school.

Miss Leatherland 🙂

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