Ennis Class – Quest













What an exciting morning we have had in year 2!

Today we started a whole school invention unit, which focuses on a book called Quest by Aaaron Becker. As a class we explored different items, such as a golden crown, a colourful map and two magical crayons. We then shared our ideas and had a whole class discussion about what we think the items mean and how this may link to our new unit. Next, we watched a short video clip about the book and thought about the following questions… Who are the characters? Where are they going? What are they trying to achieve? How can we describe the characters and use our knowledge of previous T4W toolkits?

Then, the children gathered and generated new ideas about different sections of the book. Each table had a set of images to explore and wrote their ideas on post-it notes. Below is a picture of all ideas the children gathered and shared as a class.

Well done Ennis class, you have worked so hard today and settled back in very well after half term.

Miss Fantozzi

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