Fabulous first week back in Reception!

We have loved welcoming back our children in Reception this week, ready for a new half term. We have had a very exciting week, as when the children returned to School, they found a giant beanstalk that had been growing in the classroom! It must have been from when Mrs McMahon dropped those jelly beans before half term!

This week we have been learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk for our new Talk for Writing unit, which the children have loved! The children have been engaging in lots of Jack and the Beanstalk activities, which have been so much fun. There have been playdough beanstalks made, cooking in the giant’s kitchen, lots of gardening activities, especially in our vegetable patch.

Have a look at some of the pictures of our setting, can you spot the beanstalk? We are looking forward to lots more Jack and the Beanstalk fun next week.


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