Robinson Class

Good morning Robinson class,

What a brilliant week we have had, especially in the sunshine! We noticed blossom and leaves beginning to grow on the trees and a child said ‘Look Miss Leatherland Spring is here!’

In English, we have been developing our knowledge on warning stories and how we can describe a character. The children have used different pictures to create a variety of warnings the characters might have to then create their own stories. This week we have planned our work and next week we will be writing up the final piece. I am very excited to hear all of the stories, some including the three little fish and the big bad shark, adventurous Harry and the volcano, the three tweeting birds and the wicked witch.

In Maths, we have been learning to multiply numbers in the 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have learnt how to use concrete apparatus or draw jottings to answer a range of calculations and word problems.

In History and Geography, we have been learning about homes around the world and how different countries build their homes to adapt to the climate of the country. We researched the Inuit tribe and how they build igloos. The children worked together to create their own igloo out of glue and marshmallows.

Forest school was very wet this week however the week before we made spider web obstacle courses for our friends to explore. The children worked in teams to wrap the string around the trees to create the perfect obstacle course. We had so much fun. The children planted cress seeds and we discussed the conditions they need in order to grow.


In Science we have been learning about materials and their properties. The children have learnt how to describe a variety of materials and considered their suitability for different objects. Using the story the three little pigs, we built 3 homes in groups and thought about the material types and advice we would give the pigs.


This week is British Science week, the theme this year is growth. The children thought about how the Earth is the a good planet for things to grow. We then discussed whether humans, animals and plants could live on Mars. The children designed an alien to live on Mars and created ways in which it would survive and grow on Mars.

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