Dahl Class – A Great Start to the Summer Term!

We have had a wonderful first week back in Dahl class, filled with lots of learning! We made the most of the sunshine earlier this week in our Maths lesson, where we were able to go outside to complete some of our activities which involved measuring the distance a toy car travelled down a ramp. In English, we have really enjoyed our invention unit based on a book called The Arrival where we have used our imagination to help plan and write our own pieces of work. Finally, in our Science lesson, we started an investigation involving plants. Over the next few weeks, we will observe what happens to flowers if they are without water or light and look forward to finding out whether were predictions are correct!

Moving forward into the term, PE will be on a Monday and Thursday. Monday’s PE lesson will be inside while Thursday’s PE lesson will be outside. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days. We will also be starting a new Art unit this term. For our Art lesson next week, we will need some empty milk bottles. If you have any empty plastic milk bottles at home, it would be great if you could please save these and bring them into school with you by Thursday.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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