What a Week!

We have managed to fit so much learning into this week, I am not sure how we have done it!

On Monday it was Sports Day for Wiggins Class. The time flew by with the children enthusiastically joining in with  many different sports challenges. I was so proud of them for giving lots of new and unfamiliar activities a go. It was an overall win for the Green Dragons but I think we all felt like winners anyway.

We have been learning about 2d and 3d shapes in some of our maths lessons and trying to copy a model from a picture. We have learnt the names of spheres, cylinders, cubes, cones and cuboids and enjoyed finding out which ones stack and which ones roll. We also became human weighing scales today as we tried to find out which of two objects was the heaviest and which was the lightest.

Our trip in the minibus was a sheer delight this afternoon. The children’s communication skills just thrive whilst out and about. The vocabulary that some of the children were using was amazing. They remembered where many geographical features are in the local area and were very impressed at the size of Pitsford Reservoir as we drove across the causeway there.

We have also managed to fit in cake making, cylinder people, drama and role play, fine motor development, descriptive writing and much more besides. Well done to the children who managed to stay behind in the drizzle today to take part in the fun run too!

Home Learning this week is to bake a cake ready for the school fete next weekend. Please don’t forget to bring it to school on Friday, with a name on the container if you need it back.

I hope you all have  a lovely weekend

Mrs Haigh


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