A busy week in Paddington Class
We have had a great week in Paddington Class, working as a team and developing our independence and problem solving skills. The children have been showing resilience when trying new skills and have helped each other showing how kind they.
Highlights for me this week have been:
- Looking at how to build a number using two smaller numbers – this links to the children’s key skills activity so have a look at the photos below to see how we did this in class
- When we looked at symbols of the Christian and Muslim faiths in Religious Education and talked about their importance
- Using puppets to act out the story of The Enormous Turnip
- Making enormous, bumpy turnips out of playdough
- Using our imagination to think what else the little old man might find if he was in our patio area. Some children pulled up long, orange carrots, others found shiny jewels hidden in the magical, blue sand and some found rocks and cars stuck in wet, squelchy mud. I am looking forward to seeing how these ideas help with our story writing next week when we will begin to write our own story about something being stuck in the ground.
Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday,
Mrs Egan