Shared Writing Stimulus – Why is SDS the best?
This half term, Year 6 have been learning how to persuade in writing. So far in our Persuasion Unit, we have identified the grammar tools essential for persuasive writing and have read a range of persuasions texts and speeches. This morning, Mrs Fennelly shared our exciting hook with the children. For their shared write, the children will be writing a persuasive text on why Simon de Senlis is such a fantastic school, sharing all of the amazing opportunities we have in school whilst incorporating persuasive tools. Mrs Fennelly presented information to children which is usually shared only with adults, outlining all of the important aspects which make SdS stand out from the rest. All of the children took notes throughout the presentation which supported their planning process which they completed afterwards. We are excited to start our writing next week!
Well done Year 6
Mr Howley, Mrs Hateley and Mrs Parker