Mandela Music – Our Second Ukulele Lesson!
In this mornings ukulele lesson, we completed a jam-packed session with a range of new skills and skills which built on last week. First, we warmed up with an activity where we had to jump based on different chords whilst also tapping certain fingers on the palm of our hands to represent different strings.
Following this, we were introduced to a variety of rhymes to help us remember the different chords when we play the ukulele. We have a class target to make up our own variations and bring them with us to the lesson next week!
Towards the end of the lesson, we all learnt a short strum rhythm which really impressed out music teacher. We played a number of notes, in time and all together, in a particular sequence which we had learnt. All the adults in the room were genuinely amazed at how much progress the whole class had made in just two lessons. Imagine what we will sound like after 8 more!
Well done Mandela Class!
Mr Howley