All Friends Together
It has been a lovely week again in Wiggins Class. We embarked on a new text in our English work, a non-fiction text called How to Make Friendship Soup. We worked hard to think about what makes a good friend and who our friends are. After not much time at all, we decided that we are all friends in Wiggins Class. We focused a lot on being kind, something all the children are very good at. I wonder what qualities you think are the most important in a friend. We thought of kindness, the ability to share, being a good listener and having a sense of fun.
Along with thinking of our friendship soup recipe, we sequenced the steps involved in making and eating a jam sandwich. The children practised their spreading and cutting skills and nearly all of them enjoyed eating what they had made.
In maths we are learning about 2d and 3d shapes. We made some junk models, developing our joining skills by using tape and glue to fix things together. It would be great if you could spend some time on a shape treasure hunt around your houses this weekend. Can you find any cylinders or cones? How about squares and triangles? If you can, send some photographs to me so we can add them to our maths wall in the classroom.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!