Murray Class – Beebots, New Beats, bronze badges and Reading Champions!

Wow! What another brilliant week in Murray class.

On Monday, we loved using the beebots in our computing lesson where we reminded ourselves how to program something to make it move in the direction that we want. We used the buttons to move the beebot forwards, backwards, left and right. We played a game where our friend had to guess the buttons that we had pressed in order to make the robot move. It was so much fun! Then, we became beebots! In our pairs and small groups, we then had to direct each other and give precise, clear instructions to make our friend move. We can’t wait for our next lesson!

On Tuesday, we had the New Beats group in and loved singing and dancing to all of the popular songs. We enjoyed dancing and singing along!

We then enjoyed our new hook for our English Talk for Writing topic – The Story of Pirate Tom. We love this story and enjoy being pirates every time we retell it! A mysterious treasure chest arrived and we revealed the objects one by one before describing them using expanded noun phrases. We also did some drama, where we imagined that we were on the Jolly Roger in the storm. So much fun! I wonder if you can retell the story at home to your family?

This week, everyone in Murray class has achieved 100 dojos and were presented with their bronze badges. Wow! This is an amazing achievement and is because of all of our positive learning behaviours in the classroom. You can wear your badges with pride!

Finally, today we appointed our Reading Champions for Murray class. There were so many wonderful posters and speeches and I am so proud of everyone for wanting to become a reading champion. It was a tight vote but Molly and Oliver were voted as Murray class Reading Champions. We will present their badges next week.

Reading Ambassador Bar Badge by School Badges UK

Well done Murray class for a wonderful week!

Miss Gedney

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