Wiggins Class
Well done again to the wonderful children in Wiggins Class this week. Everyone has worked so hard and learnt so many new things.
Look at the list of just some of the things we have enjoyed this week:
- using opposites in our English work
- describing different characters
- finding out about each other’s families
- lots of opportunities to develop fine motor and handwriting skills
- sharing and turn taking
- subitising
- pattern work
- ways of making five and ten
- counting on from a given number
- playing together using our playground equipment
- measuring length with cubes
- counting in twos
- food play
- our sensory room
- how we change as we grow up
- taking part in National Nursery rhyme week
The children have completed so much lovely work! A possible highlight though, may have been the very wet and muddy time we all spent at Forest School on Thursday afternoon. Cleaning wellies in puddles was also a hit! Please remember to send waterproofs and wellies to school if you haven’t already done so!
I hope you all enjoy a happy weekend.