What a brilliant day!

Paddington Class LOVED sharing their work with their families this morning.  It was a joy and privilege to see how proud the children are of their work and of each other.  I have been amazed at the dedication and effort the children has put into the pieces of work and I am really pleased to say that the standard of presentation has continued into their everyday work books too.

Then this afternoon we had a wonderful time at Forest School.  The children were very creative making potions for Romeo and Juliet and making up magic spells to go with them.  We also spotted a friendly robin in the hedge who was singing loudly to us and a magpie who we thought was being cheeky jumping around – I wonder if you can spot any other types of birds over the weekend.

We also had one last go with doubling on Hit The Button before  home time, keep practicing over the weekend and if your score increases over the next week you will earn at least 2 extra dojos! Here is the website again if you need it:

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk) 


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