Wiggins Class

As I sit here, I really don’t know where to start! I feel like there is so much to celebrate this week, the children have worked incredibly hard.

We have started a new unit of work in English called the Rainbow Dragon, learnt lots about Chinese New Year, eaten lots of different traditional Chinese foods, compared amounts in maths, had a fabulous Music Bugs session, made Chinese lanterns, practised safely using the apparatus in PE, worked hard on giving each other compliments, identified things we are good at, developed our turn taking skills, explored weighing and length and had an incredible showcase with so many parents coming to see the children’s work this morning. All that, and a very muddy, but fun, trip to Forest School!

Next week, we will continue with our Rainbow Dragon work. I wonder what the children might be able to share with you already. We will also go to the school library, something the children are really enjoying. Please remember to return library books on a Tuesday so they can choose a new one to bring home and share with you.

I really hope you all have a great weekend, it looks like the weather is finally getting milder and the days are staying lighter for longer.

Looking forward to next week!

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