Exciting learning in Mozart class!

As we come to the end of this half-term, we also come to the end of some of our wider curriculum topics. In Science, the children have really enjoyed learning all about electricity, and have had the opportunity to make circuits and investigate which materials and objects make good electrical conductors. It has been lovely to see the children’s enthusiasm when taking part in practical group work!

We have also been doing lots of group work in our core maths lessons, and it was lovely to see the children’s knowledge of the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – all come together this afternoon. The children were given a main question and lots of clues, and were asked to solve a variety of different calculations in order to come up with a final answer. They all did a brilliant job of piecing together the challenging puzzle!

It has been fantastic to see the positive impact that the children’s regular times tables practice and knowledge has had on their learning within our maths lessons. I have now created another TTRS battle for the children to have a go at over the next few days.

Keep up the great work, Mozart!

Miss Robson

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