Y6 Churchill: Self-portrait preparation

On Thursday 8th June, the children in Churchill will be completing the backgrounds for their Frida Kahlo-inspired self-portraits. This can be a mixed-media piece and the children are encouraged to print out quotes, words or images that match the theme and mood for their picture (which they have already thought about and planned in school). They will then cut out the words and images they have chosen and use collage to incorporate them into the background for their portrait. Some children have already found some items they wish to include but not all children have. This is a reminder to those children who have not put together their resources yet to look for some during half term and either print them at home or add them to a word document and email it to us using their Office365 account. Thank you.

On another note, we have completed another half term of Year 6 – one to go! After all of the revision, SATs and other work completed over the last 6 weeks, the children have definitely earned a rest. We hope you all have lots of fun and enjoy the lovely weather! See you back at school on Monday June 5th.

Mrs Hateley, Mrs Phelps and Mrs Davies

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