What a great first week in Year 3!
What a brilliant first week back so far! The children have been working incredibly hard.
We have had an exciting week exploring all our new learning for the term. In English, the children have enjoyed learning a story called Grolt. A particular favourite part of the story is where Grolt learns what true happiness is. The children have been working hard to learn the new story with images and actions. The children have all created their own story map to help them remember the text as well as a big class text map. The children always enjoy thinking of different actions to match the story. Have a go at retelling the story at home and see what actions you can remember! We look forward to exploring the story in the next few weeks
In Geography, we explored what it means to recycle and why it is important to do so. In RE, a great discussion was held around special books which will lead us on to our learning in the next couple of weeks.
Well done Year 3, keep up the hard work