Lennon-McCartney – Good Morning!
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoyed your long bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather. I wonder if any of you had any celebrations for VE day on Friday? I went for a long walk around my town and saw so many fantastic decorations on houses, flags, bunting and even these teddies having a VE day picnic! I also saw an old fashioned car being driven by a teddy (in someone’s garden luckily!) and a beautiful poppy. I hope you like my pictures.
I am excited for you to get started with your home learning this week. We are starting a new topic for writing all about aliens so today you will be learning some fun facts about aliens. In Reading, you are going to be looking at how author’s make good word choices and in Maths, you are looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100, and then bar modelling later in the week. You are continuing to make me so proud seeing all of the fabulous work and don’t forget you can email me with you work, or pictures and messages to let me know what else you’ve been up to.
Finally, I have also uploaded a new video of the Class Reader onto the One Note – it’s that special guest again! Make sure you take a look and enjoy listening.
Have a great day!
Miss Vokes