Year 1 – Paddington

Well done for a fantastic week of learning Year 1.

It has been so lovely to read all of your lovely descriptive work based on Dogger, you have all been building up a rich bank of your vocabulary and have been using this well within your writing. Lots of you also challenged yourselves to include similes too!

In reading it has been lovely to look at all of your visualizations, where we close our eyes and listen to the description and create a picture in our minds. We’ve had wiggly woo’s and all sorts of things coming into our imaginations.

You have all persevered so well with your subtraction and can use a number line to help you solve them. Can you remember which way we move on the number line when we are subtracting?
Next week we are going to put our subtraction and addition skills to good use and solve some trickier problems.

Well done for being super stars and always trying your best!

Miss Ash

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