Year 4 – Thursday’s Live Meet
Hello Year 4,
Can you believe that we are already half way through the final week of this half term? It has been lovely to see lots of you on the live meets this week. You have become real experts in navigating Microsoft Teams both during these meetings and when completing your assignments!
As you know, in English, our unit focus this term has been about portal stories and how to write a great setting description. For Thursday’s lesson this week, you are going to be generating ideas for when you come to writing your own portal story. Normally, this is something that we would do together in class by sharing and discussing ideas. Since we can’t do that, I thought it would be nice to begin generating some ideas together during Thursday’s live meet. This will then help you when you come to complete Thursday’s English lesson and when you come to planning your own portal story after half term. So, for Thursday’s live meet, please have a piece of paper, a pencil and your imagination with you!
I am really looking forward to hearing all of your fantastic portal ideas and sharing these during the live meet tomorrow!
Keep up the great work!
Miss Harris