Year 3 Dahl – Learning About Light!

What a fabulous second week we have had in Dahl class so far! This afternoon, we have been busy learning all about shadows as part of our Science unit of work. We learnt about what a shadow is and how they are formed, as well as investigating to find out whether a range of objects were opaque, transparent or translucent.

There are lots of fun activities which involve using shadows which you might like to try. You can use your knowledge of light sources and how shadows are made to help you! Here are some activity ideas:

Shadow Drawing: If it is sunny outside, take a toy or an object and place it on a piece of paper before drawing around the shadow.


Shadow Frame: Using a piece of paper or card, draw and cut out a picture or shape. Then, stick this onto a transparent material, such as cling film (you will need to ask a grown up to help with this). Then, hold up your design beneath a light source to see the shadow!

Shadow Puppets: Using an opaque material such as card, draw and cut out a character (you could base it on your favourite book!). Then, using a light source, hold the puppet underneath the light to see a shadow appear. You could use a torch as your light source.

Let me know if you try any of these activities – you could add a picture to your Key Skills later this week if you would like to!

Mrs Harris

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