Another Fabulous Week in Reception!

Another fabulous week in Reception!

So much has been learnt in Reception already! Lots of new routines and things to remember but everyone is doing so well.
All our children have now started school, lots of established friendships have continued and many new friendships have flourished.
This week the children stayed for lunch for the first time with the teachers staying with them to make sure everyone was happy. They either had a packed lunch or a hot lunch. After eating their lunch they joined their siblings and friends on the playground. How exciting!
Our Kinetic Letters lessons began and the children learned the positions they will need to help them become great hand writers.  Great fun was had with scarves, pushing and pulling them as well as moving them up and down, getting used to how pens will be used in the future.
Phonics was also introduced and the first few sounds were taught as well as the Jolly Phonics  songs and actions to help everyone remember the sounds.
We also learned how to get dojo rewards for a range of positive things such as good listening, working hard, being a good friend and many more.
We are so proud of how everyone has settled into Reception. Well done Gruffalos and Simbas 😀

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