Year 3 Dahl – Wonderful Work in English!
It has been another busy week in Dahl class this week, with lots of great learning taking place! On Monday, we started our new Talk for Writing unit where we are learning about building suspense in our writing. On Wednesday, we went up to the forest school area where the children stood quietly, listening to everything around them. Suddenly, there were lots of different sounds around us. Amongst other things, we could hear branches snapping and bells ringing. When we came back to the classroom, we discussed our reactions. Some people ducked down when they heard a noise, others looked around. Throughout the week, there has been lots of great writing taking place. We have written some fantastic poems based on ‘The Door’, as well as learning about how to use fronted adverbials to build suspense.
We are very excited to learn more next week. Have a great weekend everyone!