Year 3 Rowling – A great start!

Rowling class have had a great start back to the new year and have been as busy as ever!

We started our new Shakespeare unit yesterday which is ‘The Tempest’. The children have thrown themselves into the drama and after some initial nerves, were able to use their bodies and voices to show different emotions, themes and characters.

Yesterday we were introduced to the Tempest and learnt what a tempest is and what the main themes of the text are.

Today, we have been introduced to the 2 main characters, Miranda and Prospero and started working on Act 1 Scene 2. In this scene, Miranda is speaking to her father, Prospero about the storm he has created. She is upset about this because she is worried about the passengers on the boat.

We started off by reading the text together. We have been introduced to Shakespearean language where some words are quite tricky. We talked about what the words mean and why Miranda is saying them. Then we became Miranda and Prospero. We created actions for the words and discussed what words are the most powerful, adding actions to these.

In pairs, we then annotated the text and acted out Miranda and Prospero’s scene. We came back together as a class to perform with our own actions.

It was brilliant to see everyone working together and enjoying the drama and the language that was used.

Please ask your children what they know about the Tempest, they are becoming experts already!

Well done Rowling class!

Miss Gedney

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