Ennis Class – Brixworth Country Park Trip

Yesterday, Year 2 visited Brixworth Country Park and spent the day outdoors. Ennis class began the morning by playing a game based on creating a tree for a squirrel, led by our park ranger. The children were given a number of squirrels and had to work as a team to create a tree and find the correct amount of squirrels (children) within their tree. This was so much fun!

After, our ranger Juno gave us special journey sticks for our walk through the park .We collected natural objects along the way and added them to our journey sticks. The children loved creating their own individual sticks and were brilliant at finding a range of natural objects. Our walk led us into the forest area, where we completed our next activity, a minibeast hunt! We searched carefully for minibeasts in their natural habitats and carefully collected them in our magnifying pots. We were then able to share with our peers what we found and use our scientific skills to observe the minibeasts closely. The children handled the minibeast with care and respected their habitats before releasing the minibeasts back into their natural habitats. It was amazing to see the children use their forest schools skills during this activity.


After we ate our lunch on the grass and had a beautiful view of the reservoir, whilst enjoying a juicy ice-lolly. In the afternoon, we switched park rangers before then completing our next activity. We were introduced to lots of woodland animals and given a task to create a safe shelter for them in the forest area. Next, made our way into the forest and began to collect suitable materials before creating the most amazing shelters! We had such a brilliant time and ensured our woodland creatures had a safe and suitable shelter.


A huge thanks to all staff members and our parent helpers for a fantastic day exploring the outdoors. It was such a wonderful day!

Have a restful weekend.

Miss Fantozzi

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