Welcome to Paddington Class!
I was so excited to welcome Paddington Class this morning and what a great first day we had! The children settled really quickly back into the school routines and worked brilliantly in small teams and individually throughout the day. We have been very busy, these are the activities we have completed already:
- We recapped the school rules and expectations.
- We shared our holiday news.
- We wrote sentences about our news.
- We drew pictures of our memories of the summer.
- We recalled our phonic knowledge and read key words that we had learnt previously.
- We looked at a jumbled mixture of objects and organised them into groups.
- We built numicon stair cases and remembered what number each piece represents.
- We built sandcastles and made flags for them.
- We stretched and balanced in PE in the cool of the library as it was so warm outside!
- We shared our holiday key skills and knowledge of Paddington Bear.
- We celebrated all the children who have completed the reading challenge at the library – 16 children from our class so far and the deadline is Friday so there is still time to add to that!
I have been so impressed with the children’s readiness to listen and learn as well as their team work and caring nature already, it is going to be another great year!
Just a reminder that PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Forest School is every other Friday, Paddington Class will have Forest School on Friday 8th September, please remember to send in sun hats as the weather is likely to still be very warm.